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African Communities Together (New York City Office)

Areas of legal assistance: Adjustment of Status, Asylum applications, Consular Processing, Employment authorization, Employment-based immigrant and non-immigrant petitions, Family-based petitions, Habeas Corpus, Naturalization/Citizenship, Removal hearings, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status, T visas, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), U visas, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) petitions, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Types of legal assistance: Filings with USCIS, Representation at Asylum Interviews (Credible Fear Interviews, Reasonable Fear Interviews), Representation before the Immigration Court, Representation before the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA), Federal court appeals
Location: 127 West 127th Street, Suite 221, New York, NY 10027
Contact: (347) 746-2281,

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